Information about each event is also available from the Calendar menu.
Racing Series Summary
Many of the races included in the Sailing Calendar make up part of a designated series. There is no requirement to enter all the races of a series and KYC members are welcome to take part in any single event that is listed.
Visiting yachts must register with the Secretary as series entrants if they wish to be included in the points score. KYC yachts will automatically be included in the point score if they take part in one or more races of a series.
Twilight Series
Twilight Races Calendar
Code TB (Before Christmas) - 11 races, 2 discards
Code TA (After Christmas) - 12 races, 2 discards
Code T (Combined) - 23 races, 4 discards
There are two series of Twilight races - Before Christmas (Code TB in the Sailing Program) and After Christmas (Code TA). Trophies are also awarded for these two series combined (Code T).
Derwent Boat Sales are sponsors of all the Twilight series. Races are held on Wednesday evenings starting at 18:00 hours during the daylight-saving period.
Long Race Series
Code L - 6 races, 1 discard
There are six races in this series. Two of the races are safety category 7 and four are category 5. Check the calendar for start times and any sailing instructions for further information.
Winter Series
Winter Series Calendar
Code W - 7 races, 1 discard
Most of the winter series races are 'around the buoys’ (permanent marks) but the second race (W2) takes Division 2 around Green Island. The starting time for all races is 11:00 hours.
Short Course Series
Code S - 4 races, 0 discard
Short Course Series consists of four short races over two day to give smaller boats the opportunity to do some spinnaker work.
Events Organised by Other Clubs
Selected events noted in italics and by code O in the Sailing Calendar are from the calendars of other Clubs and are included for information only in the KYC Sailing Program. The information was correct at the time of publication but dates and times should be checked with the relevant Club. Similarly, entry to these events is at the discretion of those Clubs, and entry fees usually apply. Those intending to compete should make enquiries well before the advertised date.
Trophies and Plaques
Most trophies and plaques of KYC are awarded at the Annual Dinner and may include the following:
Winter Series Pennant Division handicap winners
Long Series Pennant Division handicap winners
Twilight Series Pennant
Before Christmas Division handicap winners
After Christmas Division handicap winners
Combined Series Division handicap winners
Bill Parker Perpetual Trophy Handicap winner of the Green Island Race (Winter Series) - Division 2
Betsey Island Trophy Division handicap winners
Channel Challenge Weekend
Tim Malone Memorial Trophy Handicap winner of the Hope Island Race - Division 1
Icebreaker Classic Handicap winner of Dutchy Neville Memorial Race - Division 2
Green Island Classic Handicap winner of Green Island Race - Division 2
Channel Challenge Classic Overall handicap winner - Division 2
Icebreaker Series Overall handicap winner - Division 1
TASSAL Trophy Outstanding Service to the Club
Other trophies and plaques may be awarded for specific races or other reasons.
Social Races Summary
Channel Challenge Feeder Race (E5)
The Channel Challenge includes a feeder races from Hobart and Cygnet for the Tim Malone Memorial Race to Hope Island. Divisions will be allocated by the PRO according to how many entries are received. A notice of race will be available prior to the event.
Dennes Point Race (E7)
As part of the Channel Challenge, there will be a race to Dennes Point and Cygnet.
Appreciation Race (E9)
A race at the conclusion of the Twilight season to recognise the efforts and show appreciation to the Principal Race Officer and those who have served on the committee boat during the season.
Women's Helm (E11)
A race for boats helmed by women with as many crew as desired.
Spinnakers are not allowed.
All yachts are encouraged to join in.
For boats who cannot encourage women's participation there is a concurrent Single Handed and Double Handed Race
All boats are encouraged to enter this event.
Navigation Cruise (C1)
A very lowkey cruise to Recherche Bay over the Australia Day long weekend. This is a joint venture between KYC and CYC. All boats are welcome.